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Recreation Fires

Recreational fires are defined as cooking fires, campfires using charcoal or firewood that occur in designated areas or on private property for cooking, pleasure, or ceremonial purposes.​

Rule Burns

​Rule burning shall only be conducted using silvicultural debris which comes from your unimproved property. "Unimproved property" is defined as the area around your home that is not maintained, i.e. irrigated, mowed or otherwise maintained including timbered pastures, brush lands, scrub forests, and forests. Piles shall be 4 feet in diameter or less and no more than one pile burning at one time.

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Permit Burns

Permit burning consists of piles greater than 4 feet. DNR permits are required when burning of any machine-piled material, burning within 500 feet of forest slash piles and 50 feet of structures. For more information on obtaining permits contact the DNR at (509) 685-6900 or

Conducting a Burn?

If you are planning to conduct a Recreational, Rule, or Permit Burn please contact

Fire District #3 at 509-235-6645​, or fill out the form below.


For further information and guidance please refer to the burn outdoors pamphlet here.​


Spokane County Fire District #3 follows all burn bans set forth by both the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency. If either agency has declared that a ban is in effect, SCFD3 will not allow burning until the ban is lifted.

Let us know you're burning.

Type of Burn being conducted:

Thanks for submitting!

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Station 31

10 S. Presley Dr

Cheney, WA 99004


Admin Office: (509) 235-6645


Monday - Friday 

8am - 4pm

Copyright © 2021 Spokane County Fire District. All rights reserved.

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